
Showing posts from May, 2019

Wazifa To Make Impossible Possible - Amliyat Dua

Many times in life we think that there must be someone who can make impossible things possible. Situations are not the same every time. We can’t experience happiness every time.  Sometimes there is a worse situation when things are not okay. Now it is possible to make someone do what you want them to do for you. This can be easily done with the help of  wazifa to make the impossible possible . Here you can perform the below-mentioned  wazifa to make Impossible Possible . Wazifa to make impossible possible Wazifa To Make Impossible Possible And Make People Obey You “Bismillahh Nir Rahmaan neer Raheem”. Meaning of this Wazifa. “ O merciful and benevolent lord let my wish be fulfilled in thy name”. Remember that you perform  wazifa to make impossible possible  for a genuine reason like if you love someone genuinely and want to marry him/her with their consent. Do this  wazifa to make impossible possible  with full dedication and full con...

Wazifa For Love Back - Amliyat Dua

A lot of people are losing their love nowadays. The reason may be anything, be it modernization, misunderstandings, extra affairs, lacks of mutual trust or disbelief, overconfidence, social pressure or anything. This has become a common problem.   But after the relationship ends, couples understand the importance of love, misses each other, want to get back together again and even much more. Well! It’s never too late to mend. Even after break up, if you realize your mistake and want the old love back in your life then, you are in the right place. You can seek help from our Molvi Pir Mohammad Qadri ji and ask him for wazifa for love back. The wazifa for loveback helps regain your lost love back within 3 days. Wazifa for love back in Urdu is very important and helpful for all my Muslim brothers and sisters. How to perform wazifa For love back After reading esha namaz a person can perform the wazifa to bring my love back; First, read durood shareef 3 times; Af...

Dua To Get Someone Back In Your Life - Amliyat Dua

In this modern generation love and breakups are very quick. In our day to day life, we often go through such situation. Many youngsters have asked the love break solutions and how to get someone back in your life when your couple broke up with you and left away. In such a situation, you should consult Molvi Pir Mohammad Qadri Ji and ask him for dua to get someone back in your life.                                                             “Laqad Jaa Aakum Rasoolam Min Anfusikum Azeezun Alaihi Maa Anittum Hareesum… Alaikum Bilmoomineena Ra-oofur Raheem”           To perform this dua to get someone back in your life you should- Rec...

Wazifa For Enemy

If your life has become hell because of your enemy, then you must seek for immediate help. If your enemy is taunting and bickering you and you are helpless because you can’t find any solution for it then wazifa for enemy will surely help you out. We are here to help you out. That’s why we are introducing a powerful wazifa for enemy so that it will help get rid of your enemy and give the best solution for your problems. Allah Miyan has solution to every problem and always helps those who need mercy. If you are a genuine person and have trust in Allah then you must consult Molvi Pir Mohammad Qadri Ji and seek his advice. The wazifa for enemy given by him is very powerful wazifa and help keep your enemies away from you. Moreover, this wazifa also helps to keep your enemy away and protects you from them. Powerful Wazifa For Enemy 1. Firstly, cleanse your body and make a fresh ablution; 2. Sit on a place which is clean and pure; 3. Write the name of your enemy along ...

Islamic Dua For Love Back

Some people are so closely related with each other that it becomes impossible for them to survive without them. Love in a relationship helps feel you strong and confident enough to deal each situation. No one in this entire world can survive without relations. We need spouse, friends, parents, siblings and family to share our thoughts and feelings whether its happiness or sadness. But when you lose them, you feel sad and disheartened. It leads to terrible situation. At such times Islamic dua for love back helps a lot. Dua For Love Back If your partner has left you in such time when you can’t afford losing him/her, you can take help of Islamic Dua. Islamic Dua for lost love Back is an effective source to bring back in your life. Each of us faces complications and problems in your life. Islamic dua for love back has magical power in it and works effectively when you recite it.  It will help recover your desired love. Love is a bond which unites two souls. By performing the ...

Instant Powerful Wazifa To Get Love Back

Sometimes a relationship ends because of lack of belief and mutual understandings. But once the relationship ends, you feel the importance of your partner. The best method to get love back in Islam is with the help of wazifa to get love back . In Islam nothing is impossible especially when you have trust in Allah. You have to follow all the procedure for wazifa to get love back and then you need to call your ex lover. He/she will start loving you and will return back in your life. Wazifa To Get Love Back Instantly After reading Esha Namaz a person can perform  the wazifa to get love back . First read Durood E Shareef 3 times. After that read “Ya Wadodoo Ya Raufoo Ya Raheeno three hundred times Then again read Durood E Shareef  for three times Do this wazifa on Thursday When the person is performing this wazifa to get love back , imagine that person in your life. Insha Allah your lover will come back to you. This is how one needs to perform the wazifa to get ...