Istikhara for Marriage Problems
The relationship of a husband and wife is very fragile. And, it takes a lot to make it successful. The success largely relies on love, compatibility, trust and mutual understanding of the partners. If any one of them fails, it could break the relationship. However, sometimes even after cautious handling, something goes wrong and it leads to marital problems between the couples. If you are facing the same situation and you don’t whether you should move on in your life or give your relationship another chance, then you should practice istikhara for marriage problems.
With the help of istikhara for marriage problems, you can actually find out whether the relation in which you are putting all the effort is worth it or not. If you are unsure about your future with your spouse, then you can perform istikhara for marriage problems and get an answer directly from Allah SubhanaWa’ Tala. The istikhara is performed to get to a verdice of whether the bond of marriage should be kept or broken. You should practice strong dua for marriage problems with great sincerity and devotion to get accurate results.
Strong Dua For Marriage Problems
It is normal for every couple to have differences in their marriage, but if these small fights that extreme results, then probably your relationship is coming to an end. However, as you know the decision of divorce is not easy, especially for a woman. She needs an assurance that whatever she is doing is right for her. When you perform strong dua for marriage problems, then you actually find out whether marriage separation is the right step for you or not.
However, it is important to find out the right process of powerful istikhara for marriage dua from our molvi sab. and then practice it. He will guide you with the right procedure and do’s and don’ts of istikhara. If the istikhara results suggest that you should give your relationship one more chance, then you should recite strong dua for marriage problems and make your relationship good and healthy like before. Insha Allah, the Almighty Allah will also help you in it. Make sure you do it in good faith.
Powerful Istikhara For Marriage Dua
Strong dua for marriage problems in Islam is given below:
Perform this dua before going to bed at night. In the beginning, recite Durood Shareef 11 times. Then recite Surah Al-Falaq 33 times. Finish the dua by reciting Durood Shareef 11 times in the end.
Then go to bed. Insha Allah, very soon you will see that all your marital problems will get resolved and you will have no problem with your partner. You have to perform this dua for 14 days without a gap. Insha Allah, in your dreams you will see how your relationship is flourishing with every passing day.
Make sure you do according to the signal you get in your dreams. Have faith in powerful istikhara for marriage dua and recite it with right intentions to get solution for your problem. Insha Allah, the Almighty Allah SubhanaWa’ Tala will guide you in every way.
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